CWCC2018 Keynote

Thad Starner
IEEE 可穿戴专委会主席
报告题目:Symbiotic AI: Using wearable computers to teach computers how to live in a human world
Can we make an intelligent agent that senses the world from a human perspective - that sees as we see and hears as we hear - and from that data learns how to interact in a human world?
While AI has benefitted from images and data collected from the web, little of that data will help an AI understand how to shake hands, make coffee, turn a steering wheel, or comprehend the meaning of those actions. Wearable devices offer a unique opportunity for AI researchers to gather the "big data" needed to train an agent to understand the world in human terms. By placing cameras where the user's eyes are, microphones where the user's ears are, motion sensors on the wrists, and even brain activity sensors on the head, we can gather training data from a first person perspective that will help computers understand human activities and their social context. This work is already leading to intelligent assistants that can predict a user's needs, recognize sign language, and help people who are blind better sense the world around them.
Thad Starner is a wearable computing pioneer. In 1990, Starner coined the term "augmented reality" to describe the types of interfaces he envisioned, and he has been using a head worn display as part of his daily life since 1993. Thad is a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Technical Lead on Google's Glass, which was named a "50 Most Influential Gadget of All Time" by Time Magazine. Thad has produced over 500 papers and presentations, and he is an inventor on over 80 awarded United States utility patents. Starner has presented his work at the World Economic Forum, UNESCO, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and Google I/O. He was elected to the CHI Academy in 2017 and was a finalist for the Lemelson-MIT Prize for inventorship and the White House's Champions of Change for his work on Deaf education. Thad is always looking for a good game of table tennis.

报告题目:智能织物 - 健康、时尚与工装
陈东义博士、电子科技大学教授、博士生导师 移动计算研究中心主任。中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院客座研究员,原重庆大学可穿戴计算研究中心主任、教授,上海乐相科技首席科学家。曾在多伦多大学电气与计算机工程系做博士后研究,曾美国乔治亚理工学院GVU 研究中心加拿大西安大略大学、德国不莱梅大学客座教授做客座教授、合作博士生导师等。1998以来专一从事可穿戴计算研究 组织第一届、第二届中国-德国可穿戴计算研讨会,担任中方主席,第三届、第四届、第五届、第六届,第七届中国可穿戴计算学术大会担任大会主席或执行主席。IEEE 交互与可穿戴计算与装置专委会合作主席(Co-chairs of IEEE SMCS TC on Interactive and Wearable Computing and Devices)